
Submitting to Search engines

Popular Search Engines use crawlers to periodically download your website pages and add to their search index. Typically, if any of your website pages are linked from an already indexed site, the search engine crawlers may find the link to your site and crawl your website automatically.

For a new website that is not linked elsewhere, manually submitting to Search Engine helps getting the website indexed and have it available in search results.

Popular search engines accepting manual submissions include;

Crawler Submission URL
Google Search Engine Submit to Google Search crawler
Bing Search Engine Submit to Bing Search crawler
Yandex Search Engine Submit to Yandex requires registration

Many other search engines like Yahoo Search and DuckDuckGo inturn use Bing Search Engine index.

Serviecs like Can I crawl and Webmaster tools from Google and Bing can be used to test if the site can be crawled by search engines.

Business listing

Many of social networks and listing services support adding Business entities. These listings shows up in their respective searches, optionally letting the users to contact business entity and even rate the business.

For Businesses (or startups), listing its profile in these listing services, help get the visibility with users and provides means for users to contact the business using their familier social network.

Popular business listing services include;

Listing Service Submission URL
Facebook Business List business in Facebook
LinkedIn Company page List business in LinkedIn
Google My Business List in Google My Business
Bing Places List in Bing Places for Business limited regions
Twitter for Business Business profile in Twitter
Yelp Add business in Yelp
Foursquare Add business in Foursquare

Additionally, listing Website or Business in local listing services (like Yellow Pages), can bring reach to people looking through via those listing services. Basic listing (about the website or business) is usually offered free of cost in such listing services. Popular listing services in user locality can be found by search.

With search being primarily used to find about services/websites, getting the website reachable by search helps bring in new users to the website. There are plenty of free as well as commercial resources available regarding optimizing websites for search (SEO); such resources can be found by a search inturn!